
Instagram wants to diversify its own revenue stream and increase user engagement by allowing users to customize and purchase physical versions of their photos.


For beginner and experienced Instagram users alike, there is a need for a simpler way to order customized products quickly and efficiently. Instagram offers a one-stop shop for ordering and selling customized products while being cost effective and user friendly.


Max Hartmann


2 Weeks


Adobe Ps

Competitive & Comparative Analysis

We studied six different photo-printing companies: Shutterfly, Snapfish, Mixbook, Picaboo, Google Photos, and Walgreens.

Our goal was to understand how other companies were managing and implementing their photo printing services.

Usability Test: Shutterfly

Next, we conducted a usability test by assigning our user the task of uploading and printing three pre-selected pictures using Shutterfly. The video below is sped up 20 times faster since the whole process took our user roughly 45 minutes.

The usability test confirmed that the process of printing photos through another web-based competitor is taxing and time-consuming.

User Survey

The next step in our research phase was conducting user surveys. Our survey showed us that Instagram users are interested in having their photos printed and provided insight with what kind of products they would want printed.


Using the "Crazy Eight'" exercise, we created several iterations of the storefront feature. We had to consider things such as: Where should this new feature live on Instagram? How can the icon be intuitive while staying true to Instagram's brand? What is the most frictionless user flow? Below are some of our ideas.

User Personas

Once our Research and Affinity Mapping was completed, we arrived at 3 separate User Personas:

Samantha Boles

A millennial

A millennial who wants to print her own pictures for home decor.

Steve Greyson

Professional Photographer

A professional photographer who is in charge of curating National Geographic's Instagram page and has been tasked with creating a new NatGeo Best of 2019 Photo Book.

Ricardo Morales

Software Developer

A working professional who needs a seamless way to purchase a gift for a close friend.

Solution: The Storefront

For new and experienced Instagram users alike, there is a need for a simpler way to order customized products quickly and efficiently. Instagram now offers a one-stop shop for ordering and selling customized products while being cost effective and user friendly with The Storefront. 

User Flows

Samantha's Flow:
After struggling to use Shutterfly, Samantha simply wants to print a few of her own Instagram pictures so she can decorate her home. This is her flow using Instagram's mobile application.
Steve's Flow:
Being a professional photographer and in charge of curating National Geographic's Instagram page, Steve has been tasked with creating a new NatGeo Best of 2019 Photo Book.
Ricardo's Flow
Steve needs a last minute gift for his best friend's birthday party. Knowing how much she loves beautiful pictures, Ricardo quickly orders NatGeo's newest photo book.

Next Steps

For beginner and experienced Instagram users, there is a need for an easier way to customize and purchase physical versions of their photos quickly and efficiently. The Storefront offers exactly this while being cost effective and user-friendly.

The next steps I would focus on would be to continue user testing and add more options so users could have more freedom creating and selling pictures and products.